This FINAL assignment is one in which you will analyze, contextualize and highlight the central ideas from your chosen weekly images posted on ETHN170PAS IG digital portfolio pg. The requirements for this assignment consist of a presentation of a completed digital portfolio. Each image includes a one page typed paper, per the 5 images posted on ETHN170PAS IG (you can write longer if you need to) that describes the Story Behind the Visual applying your central theme/s. Be aware of the historical and contemporary context, i.e. when was your image, person, concept or issue discussed and how does it relate it to the social context of what was happening in US society or theme. Consider how the artist constructs the interpretation of the visuals. In addition to the collection of images posted on IG, each student MUST curate a “Knowledge of Self: ME, MYSELF, and I” section in portfolio. This is creative section that connects to student. A write up of this section must be detailed and include a thesis and general direction of theme. Be aware during your analysis of the fact that most concepts and issues are cultural and political representations of the African American community. Create a working theory based on ideas that indicate the Black social and political thought evident in texts. Include at least one Academic theoretical framework to focus on. USE the concepts and vocabulary discussed in readings. A minimum of five sources, books and articles must be submitted in the correct Chicago Bibliographic format. You must use three academic sources from assigned readings and two outside sources. The Internet can be used to locate scholarly journals and books, interviews, which are required for contextual analysis.

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