Readings (articles within 8 years)
Gablas, B., Ruzicky, E., & Ondrouchova, M. (2018). The change in management style during then course of a project from the classical to the agile approach. Journal of Competitiveness, 10(4), 38-53. doi:
Gerardo David, A. P. (2016). Strategic management cultures: Historical connections with science. Journal of Management History, 22(2), 214-235. doi:
Mandysová, I. (2019). Classical management biases and behavioral approach comprehension. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice.Series D.Faculty of Economics and Administration, (46), 114-123. Retrieved from
Zawila-Niedzwiecki, J. (2015). Structuring knowledge management – classical theory, strategic initiation and operational knowledge management (part I). Foundations of Management, 7(1), 253-266. doi:
Write a 3 page paper that reviews the assigned and outside articles . Use the assigned readings and at least 5 additional related PRJAs in your paper.
Your paper should present a point of view in a clear/concise thesis statement that describes the purpose of the paper. The purpose of the paper is not to describe what was written in the articles, but to synthesize the ideas from the literature into an original concept. The paper should be organized into sections with headings including an introduction, body and conclusion.

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