Module 6 Assignment
Complete the following review and discussion questions and submit them into dropbox before this module closes. Please use complete sentences and include supporting details.
1. Which of the following questions is (are) appropriate for a job interview for the position of office manager for an automobile dealership?
a. Do you attend church regularly?
b. Do you know how to use our computer and telecommunications systems?
c. Are you familiar with our line of cars?
d. Are you married?
e. Are you close to retirement age?
f. What skills did you develop at your previous job that you feel would be helpful in this job?
2. Which of the following actions would be considered discriminatory under federal laws? Explain your answers.
a. A company creates a policy that all employees must retire by age 65.
b. A supervisor gives the biggest raises to men because they have families to support.
c. A company that recruits at colleges and universities has a practice of making at least 20 percent of its visits to schools that are historically black.
d. In a department where employees must do a lot of overtime work on Saturday, the supervisor avoids hiring Jews because Saturday is their day of rest and worship.
3. Which type(s) of training would you recommend in each of the following situations? Explain your choices.
a. Teaching air-traffic controllers how to help planes land safely.
b. Improving the decision-making skills of production workers so they can better participate in the company’s employee involvement program.
c. Teaching a plumber how to replace sewer lines.
d. Teaching a receptionist about how to operate the company’s new telephone system.
4. What is a mentor? What steps might a mentor take to help a Japanese employee who has been transferred from the Tokyo office to company headquarters in the United States? How might these actions help the employee and the organization?
5. How can a supervisor avoid illegal discrimination in performance appraisals?

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