minimum of 180 words per item;
1. Look for case studies on the internet that have dealt with insect evidence for estimating a postmortem interval. What insect evidence was present, and what state was the body in a discovery? What did you observe insofar as the stages of the lifecycle that were present on the remains in the specific decomposition categories?
Haglund, W.D., & Sorg, Advances in forensic taphonomy: Method, theory, and archaeological perspectives
Chapter 9: Insects Associated with the Body: Their Use and Analysis
2. Discuss aspects of cases you have found on the internet where botanical and soil evidence was either useful, neutral or even overlooked. In what context was the botanical evidence? Was it potentially going to help answer an investigative question? What conditions were the remains in at the time of recovery? What about cases where the remains were skeletonized and in the ground (i.e., a purposeful burial) or the remains found on the surface and partially incorporated into the ground?
The reading file is attached below.
3. Discuss aspects of cases found on the internet where burned bodies have been encountered in an investigation. What are the challenges to the investigation of such a scene? Who would ideally be involved in the scene investigation? Are there experts from other agencies required?
The reading file is attached below.
please refer to:
-Haglund, W.D., & Sorg, M. (Eds.) (2001). Advances in forensic taphonomy: Method, theory, and archaeological perspectives. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
-Pokines, J.T., & Symes, S.A. (Eds.) (2014). Manual of forensic taphonomy. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

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