Midterm Outline
Below are three questions. Answer them as best you can, keeping in mind that the more you are prepared for a speech act, the better you will communicate. The notes will show me that you are thinking critically about how you might prepare for a speech act before it occurs:
1. Question 1: If you were being interviewed for a job using a wedge video format or Zoom, how would you prepare? Where would you record the video? What would you wear? What information would you include about yourself and your professional experience? If you were asked about a medical topic that you have researched here at ICHS (for example: in this class), what would you mention? What distractions or technical problems might occur and how could you prepare in advance to avoid them? Example: I have a big dog with an even bigger bark. I would not want her barking during a video interview, so I would need to make sure either she or I were in a different part of the house.
2. Question 2: This course has covered goodwill and other means by which we can avoid conflict and create productive communication. The ingredients to establishing goodwill are showing understanding, empathy, and responsiveness.
How can you communicate to someone that you understand them or what they are trying to communicate to you?
How can you communicate empathy to someone with your words and nonverbal communication?
How can you respond in a way that validates someone’s message?
3. Question 3: What are 2-3 concepts you learned in this class about communication that you found most interesting or beneficial, and how will you integrate them into your personal and professional communication? What have you learned about your own communication as a result of taking this class? Refer to chapters in the book if possible.

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