For this paper, you need to write at least 5 pages and include an additional works cited page (6-8 pages total). You may focus on a work of dystopian fiction, either a short story or a novel, or a substantive nonfiction aspect of dystopia. Paper must be in MLA format, both in the body of the paper and at the end on your works cited page.
Your paper should be your own idea about either a work of fiction as a dystopia or about an aspect of our world today that is dystopia. By now, I will have okayed your topic.
Remember to integrate your sources. You are weaving together 1) your own ideas; 2) your main source; 3) your supplementary sources.
Also remember: you are like a lawyer in court. You are trying to convince a jury of your peers that what you believe is correct. Every single part of your paper should work toward that goal, in the same way a lawyer argues only for his case. The lawyer doesn’t leave out key facts and pieces of evidence. The lawyer doesn’t ramble on about unrelated things. If a lawyers says “I think” or “in my opinion” or “I believe;” we doubt the evidence. Be confident.
MLA Format for at least 5 sources: 15 points
Thesis: 20 points
Quotes/Specifics: 20 points
Organization: 15 points
Paragraphs: unity, topic sentences, organization: 15 points
Grammar/Style: 15 points

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