Explanatory Memo (paper) : teams must submit ONE 3-page memo summarizing the following
a. Description and relevance of the policy proposal
b. The expected impacts of the proposed reform
c. An analysis of the broad social justice and equality consequences of the reform
d. A discussion of why elites oppose the policy and it might enhance non-elites’
e. A summary of the interview, including a brief anonymous description of the
respondent and their most salient points
f. A closing reflection on how the policy would lead to a more just and equal society.
uploaded is a presentation and notes, you must complete a two page paper following the policy I chose which is the
federal job gaurentee.
– Use the points and information on slides we put/ notes for point of paper
– the paper connects to the presentation
– Attached the rubric ( BOTTOM PART MEMO IS FOR THE PAPER)

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