Choose one of the companies listed below and explain the strength of its supply chain. Use ideas you have learned in class. This paper needs to be a total of eight pages:
Page #1: Cover page
Page #2: Abstract
Pages #3-7: Main body (substance)
Page #8: References (min. 5 references)
This paper is expected to be written with APA format. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Companies: Daimler AG, Costco, Wal-Mart, Zappos, Amazon, BMW, Publix, Nordstrom or LL Bean
APA papers should be written in a formal business tone. You cannot use I, me, my,we, he, she, they, them, their, etc. Papers must be professional in nature and not personal. Do not give your opinion. Keep the papers objective and make sure you can document/reference concepts
Make sure you have correctly used internal citations and created a reference page
Use the OWL link to see how to format your title page, abstract and references
YouTube videos on how to set your Word processor to APA are available by following this YouTube link
I usually do my abstract last as it is a summary of the paper. The abstract should be a single paragraph, double-spaced with 150 – 200 words
Use Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced
Grammar and spelling errors will result in a two point grade reduction per error
Only documents in Microsoft Word format accepted
Paper must be original (written by YOU). Similarity Score must be below 20%.
Please submit project in Course Project Turnitin Drop Box
Minimum of five references required. At least two of the references must come from our CTC library. Utilize the Logistics and Supply Chain Management library guide

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