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Choose an article from LIRN library that you may potentially use in your paper based on your topic choice and following Purdue’s guidance on creating an APA annotation for an Annotated Bibliography, share a full annotation with your peers. Please share your paper’s topic choice, as well, so that your peers understand the relevance of the chosen article. Please make your annotation, at least, 100 words, and follow APA 7th edition formatting: (Links to an external site.).
Your discussion prompt response is due by 6/16, 11:30 p.m. EST. Your peer response is due by 6/17, 11:30 p.m. EST)
Your annotation should include a full reference citation, APA 7th edition formatted, and it should answer the following two questions:
What is the resource about? Summarize the source in your own words. How would the resource be used in your paper to help you support your paper’s argument? Follow this format to help you put together your discussion this week: My topic is ________________
Full reference citation What the resource is about – summary
How the resource would be used in the paper

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