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Instructions This assignment provides you with an opportunity to determine how well the response and recovery efforts for an actual man-made disaster addressed the eight principles of emergency management. First, select one or more man-made disasters that have occurred within the last 10 years. Then, use the Internet or the online library to locate and…
Xavier Paules, “Anti-Opium Visual Propaganda and the Deglamorisation of Opium in China, 1895—1937,” European Journal of East Asian Studies 7, 2, pp229-262. Zhang Changjia, Yanhua (Opium Talk) in Keith McMahon, The Fall of the God of Money: Opium Smoking in Nineteenth-Century China, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, pp193 Download Keith McMahon, The Fall of the…
You will read the two books that correspond to your controversy to address the questions of the assignment, plus a minimum of two additional popular sources. Controversy: Are there sex differences in the brain that influence gendered behavior? Cordelia Fine, Testosterone Rex, 2017 Carole Hooven T: The Story of Testosterone, 2021 (ATTACHED TO THE FILES,…
After completing the readings and reviewing the PowerPoints for this module, please respond to the following in about 200 words: What is harm reduction and what are the main principles? List and explain two (2) harm reduction strategies that have been implemented in some states in the U.S. Which harm reduction strategy is most interesting…
please let me know if you have any questions before placing a bid The paper must also adhere to ASA publication guidelines The topic I have chosen is sex work/sex trafficking among urban youth For the Final Research paper, you are to identify a social problem that impacts the group life experiences of urban youth.…
Min 150 words the student is an 18 year old boy You are required to spend the next year of your life in either the future or past. What year would you travel to and why? Your essay will be scored based on grammar, spelling, and overall quality, so we recommend taking time to draft…
Seth, a thirty-eight-year-old white male of Scandinavian descent, has lived his entire life in Southern Florida. He is very concerned with maintaining a “healthy” appearance. Seth is very athletic and especially enjoys surfing. He has been surfing since the age of twelve, and he started making surfboards while he was in high school. After obtaining…
This assignment provides you an opportunity to learn from someone directly involved in criminal law. Watch or read an interview with the goal to learn something new and correct any of your misconceptions about criminal law. You have an interview for a position as a paralegal with a local law firm. As part of your…
Create Your Own Working Thesis The writing template below will guide you to craft your own working thesis. Note the word working—it’s very possible, and perhaps even likely, that your thesis will evolve during the research process. But slowing down now and articulating the argument you plan to make in your paper will inform your…
Our second project requires you to develop sample social media content (content should be determined by what is appropriate by what platforms you’ve chosen, your target users, etc.) that represents your ideas from the first project. Social Media Campaign For this project, you will create a mini social campaign for your community by brainstorming a…