Category: Other

  • Module 5 Assignment (PowerPoint presentation) Introduction – Titles – Subtitles – Conclusion Assignment: Compare and contrast global nutritional deficiencies, such as – iron-deficiency anemia (Minimum 5 slides) – niacin, (Minimum 5 slides) – vitamin A, (Minimum 5 slides) – vitamin B, (Minimum 5 slides) – iodine, (Minimum 5 slides) – zinc micronutrient deficiencies. (Minimum 5…

  • Module 6 Discussion (400 words) Introduction – Body – Conclusion Choose ONE of the following: Relate causes of global maternal and infant mortality and explain the relationship of skilled birth attendants, cleanliness at delivery, and better birth outcomes. OR Discuss two United Nations Childrens organizations and relate how they promote global child health. What resources…

  • answer the questions from the FIVE scenarios within the PowerPoint lecture. Each scenario has two questions and they need to be answered in detail using information you learned in the lecture slides prior to each one. Each one is posted within the PP lecture posted above. The titles of each scenario is as follows: Italy…

  • Introduction – Body – Conclusion Choose ONE of the following: How do the diagnoses and treatments of infectious diseases differ globally and culturally within different regions of the world and how does economics affect a countrys ability to prevent and treat infections? OR Compare the manifestations of HIV/AIDS stigma in resource-rich and resourcelimited countries and…

  • Choose ONE topic to write about for Essay 2: In what ways do “walls” become an important symbol in “Mending Wall”? During the process of rebuilding the wall, what is revealed about the relationship between the two neighbors in “Mending Wall”? Write an essay about “The Yellow Wallpaper,” describing the aptness of wallpaper as a…

  • Biome Project Presentation – 25 Points Due date: July 11th by 11:59PM on Blackboard Create a Powerpoint Presentation on your assigned Biome ( Tropical Rainforest ). Your powerpoint must follow the below specifications: 5 points: Originality (not plagiarized from an online source, no direct quotes, written in your own words) Formatting (max 4 bullet points…

  • They have to watch this video View this film (Links to an external site.) about the war on drugs in the Philippines. Compare and contrast the situation in that country with what you have learned about the war on drugs in the U.S. How are they similar? How are they different? And I also…

  • The days of working on an individual basis in the workplace are over. Positions that are not involved in a team, committee, or work group at some point during the year are extremely rare. Unless formal training is provided for a team, it is common to find dysfunction within a team. what positive measures should…

  • * Think strategically* Please do NOT repeat any of the case details The format of this case analysis should have the following headings: Problems/Issues; Possible Solutions; Recommend Solutions; and Expected Outcomes. Demonstrate your ability to review and assess various business situations based upon cases. These cases will vary in nature, length, and content. Don’t fall…

  • Write a book review (attached below): The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America Double-spaced, with one-inch margins, and 12-point, Times New Roman font), 3-4 page summary and review (TITLE PAGE DOES NOT COUNT IN PAGE LENGTH) 1. Paragraph*I. Explain the author’s thesis—the main point or points that he/she is trying to…