Category: Other

  • Business analysts say that physical retail stores are in decline, while e-commerce websites such as Amazon are more popular than ever. Do you agree? Why or why not? Argue your answer.

  • u will be teaching a lesson based upon the pedagogical steps in Booth’s book, Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators. This lesson should be based upon the type of library that you wish to work in upon graduation. In addition to the type of lesson you wish to teach, your lesson must…

  • Choose ONE bullet from the following list and research websites about the topic you chose. Explain what the site is about, how you found it helpful, and list the exact site for your classmates. You must respond to ONE classmate post. Your original response must be at least 100 words; your response to a classmate…

  • MGT Module 4 – SLP FUTURE TRENDS IN HRM Assignment Select three articles (published within the past five years), each from different peer-reviewed academic journals/magazines. Find articles that specifically address the following: Future HR trends. What main point(s) does each author make? Do you agree? Why or why not? Provide actual employer best practices in…

  • SHARP ( Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention program) Essay – Inform learners they will write a two-page (maximum) essay addressing actual SHARP issues from your environment – unit, organization, or Army – and making recommendations on how all leaders at all levels can implement potential solutions. The winner will be selected by the commandant…

  • Assessment Description How is conducting graduate-level research different from research you did in your undergraduate program? Provide specific examples. The DQ response must be 150-200 words and have at least one citation and one reference in APA format.

  • This course has a Final Project which is in the form of a PowerPoint presentation (you may also use Google Slides). You can choose a topic from this semester or something you come up with yourself, but your presentation must be about economics and be original (ie not just material verbatim that you have pulled…

  • Subject is Quality Improvement in Healthcare, please use the attached template to complete the assignment Instructions: Please complete an Annotated Bibliography using the template provided. This assignment must be used as a beginning point in the research for your project. It may also be used to help you begin exploring ideas or concepts you find…

  • ***** APA 7TH ED PROFESSIONAL VERSION****** ***WATCH THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO TO UNDERSTAND —- —– Assignment Details The test blueprint assists the nurse educator with developing a test that addresses all concepts that are taught, as well as assesses concept comprehension based on the appropriate level of Bloom’s taxonomy. Rubrics, on the other hand, outline…

  • What traits indicate leadership potential? Search online for a healthcare organization’s mission statement and comment on how it would affect nursing practice. Why is it necessary for the staff nurse to understand and use leadership and management skills? 250 words minimum. 2 references. Please if you can do about BAptist system in Florida