Category: Other

  • They have to watch this video View this film (Links to an external site.) about the war on drugs in the Philippines. Compare and contrast the situation in that country with what you have learned about the war on drugs in the U.S. How are they similar? How are they different? And I also…

  • The days of working on an individual basis in the workplace are over. Positions that are not involved in a team, committee, or work group at some point during the year are extremely rare. Unless formal training is provided for a team, it is common to find dysfunction within a team. what positive measures should…

  • * Think strategically* Please do NOT repeat any of the case details The format of this case analysis should have the following headings: Problems/Issues; Possible Solutions; Recommend Solutions; and Expected Outcomes. Demonstrate your ability to review and assess various business situations based upon cases. These cases will vary in nature, length, and content. Don’t fall…

  • Write a book review (attached below): The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America Double-spaced, with one-inch margins, and 12-point, Times New Roman font), 3-4 page summary and review (TITLE PAGE DOES NOT COUNT IN PAGE LENGTH) 1. Paragraph*I. Explain the author’s thesis—the main point or points that he/she is trying to…

  • Select a preferred teaching strategy (Self-Diagnostic Rating Scale Competencies Inventory and the Personal Learning Style Inventory), attach your results, and explain why this is your preference. Utilize subtitles Attached results Explain your preference (Why)

  • Include the answers to these questions: Is the topic clearly explained and sufficiently focused? How does the author done adequate research? Did you find the argument convencing and if so what would you add? Does the rider have a clear but Understated purpose to the essay? Does the writer seem authentic ? Is the essay…

  • TITLE: UNDERSTANDING DIVERSITY Purpose: To reflect on our own understanding of diversity. Resources: This essay is a reflection exercise. Activity Instructions: After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, complete this activity. You have learned about the skill of understanding and managing diversity – what it is, why it is important, and how to improve your…

  • ***** PLEASE REVIEW THE RUBRIC FOR THE RESEARCH PAPER****** Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question by examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive…

  • (1.4) Scripture Reading Assignment- Due Sunday Read Genesis chapters 1-3 and chapter 12 Read Exodus chapters 12; 13:17-22; 14-17, and 19-20 Answer the following questions: What is the good news here? What is the bad news here? What are the humans doing here? What is God doing here? What is the trouble or problem? Where…

  • introduction is, THE PURPOSE OF THIS ESSAY IS TO ANALYSE. And the topic is TO WHAT EXTEND IS THE FAST FASHION DIVIND CHLIMATE CHANGE? An introduction paragraph at least three body paragraphs a. Concluding paragraph, a biblography what is climate change? is climate change is a major problem of the planet? how do we mean…