Answer the following questions but put them in a paper using APA format. The
purpose of the paper is to build connections
between an abstract theory and your personal life.
How do you see this theory (even if it’s not your preferred theory) manifesting
in your own life? Please use book pages for sources
1. Explain the basic tenets of person-centered therapy and the differences/similarities
between Roger’s and Maslow’s approaches.
2. Discuss Roger’s core conditions of therapy and how they relate to your own personal
and professional view of life. Would others describe you as congruent, transparent, and
genuine? How have you developed these traits or what has kept you from developing
them thus far? How real, transparent, genuine, and congruent are you living your life?
What are the barriers to living this type of
3. Rogers states that counseling focuses on the gap between our ideal selves and our real
selves. Contemplate what this means for you. Who is your ideal self and who is your
real self? What is the gap and how will you close that gap?
Please share any other information that stood out for you when reading this chapter

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