ANSWER EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. (You may need to research some concepts to give accurtate answers)
1. TEACHING—Teach the following concepts from Habit 1 to someone in your life. For each of
the concepts remember to describe and explain what you taught, how you taught it, and
who you taught it to. [The person you decide to teach needs to be someone that is human (no
stuffed animals or pets) and old enough to converse with you (no babies or toddlers).
Remember that teaching is more than providing a definition to someone! Focus on capturing the
learning here—both your learning and their learning. It should be clear to me what happened
when you did your teaching.]
 Stimulus—Response & Choices
 Proactive vs. Reactive Language
 Determinism: Genetic, Psychic, and Environmental
Remember, reflecting is thinking. Thinking takes some time. Give yourself the benefits of a
little of your thinking time because this is where learning takes place.
2. Refer to the filled out self-assessment: Proactivity Rating Scale (see the pdf in this
assignment box in Canvas) for the next questions. Use your results to reflect and respond to the
following questions.
a. Questions 2 and 3 on the proactivity self-assessment ask you to rate your typical pattern
of responding (do you blame others for what happens to you; do you react according to
your moods?). Describe your scores and what they mean on these two questions.
Don’t just provide the numbers!
b. I want you to consider your behaviors and reactions in the context of Habit 1—and how
you’ve specifically responded in the Proactivity Rating Scale. What examples in your life
provide the basis for your rating? What are the motives and causes at the root of the
responses you chose?
c. Question 4 is about breaking promises to yourself. What does this have to do with
Habit 1? Explain your thinking.
3. The next two questions are about determinism and the 4 Human Gifts. It might help to review
the Power Point and/or your text before responding.
We all have encountered deterministic influences in our lives that have led us to reactive and
blaming types of responses. Identify a current, deterministic influence from your life (either
genetic, psychic, or environmental) and briefly describe it here. Where did it come from?
[NOTE: choose a deterministic influence that has led you to negative and/or blaming types of
responses. Applying (and writing about) a deterministic influence that is life-affirming and
positive, while wonderful, is not the point of this exercise.
ALSO: Choose a CURRENT influence in your life. Writing about strategies that you already
applied to a deterministic influence from your past is not the purpose of this exercise!]
4. The 4 Human Gifts offer us one of the best ways to apply the concepts in Habit 1. Consider
these gifts and the self-assessment you completed on them.
a. According to the assessment, what gift(s) are you strongest in? Weakest? Are these
numbers accurate? Why?
b. Using the deterministic influence you identified in #3, how could you specifically leverage
these four gifts to make it a more proactive reality? In other words, describe four specific
strategies that you could apply to this ONE situation.
What strategy, using the gift of independent will, could you apply to this situation?
What strategy, using the gift of conscience, could you apply to this situation?
What strategy, using the gift of self-awareness, could you apply to this situation?
What strategy, using the gift of imagination, could you apply to this situation?
5. Reflect on your textbook reading for this section of the class [HABIT 1] and consider your
learning and “take-aways” thus far. Choose a paragraph or quote from this section’s assigned
textbook reading pages and describe why and how it represented learning for you. Make sure
to reference (include the page number) the portion of the text that you use.
6. It’s all theoretical unless we make changes. What’s your plan, based on what you’ve learned

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