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Analyze the cultural aspects and transformations of a “global food”.
Some examples of food that is globally known include “Burger” “Chicken Tikka” or “Sake” – but there are many many more possibilities!
4-pages minimum, 12 font, double-spaced, Times New Roman font
– Chart the origins and transformations of a food globally of your choice through nations and cultures, utilizing concepts and ideas learned in your course lectures
– How and why do you define this food as “global”? What are its national and/or regional origins? What is the secret of its success? What cultural significance does this food have and does it change in different cultures?
– Use some of the terms we defined in class in your analysis, such as: culture, cuisine, identity, essentialism, orientalism, discourse, nation. How are these terms relevant to the analysis of your food?
– Cite minimum 2 reliable sources – sources can be online or print sources
– Keep citations from other authors to a minimum ad use citation marks always.

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