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u will be teaching a lesson based upon the pedagogical steps in Booth’s book, Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators. This lesson should be based upon the type of library that you wish to work in upon graduation. In addition to the type of lesson you wish to teach, your lesson must be scaled to reflect a specific pre-described literacy level of the audience. In the presentation, you will present your audience, literacy need, and context, then teach a 7 minute sample of the lesson. Your lesson plan should be for a longer lesson, so we will only be seeing some 7 minute piece of it. Your total presentation should not be more than 8 minutes including your explanatory intro.
***To be clear, you are teaching the sample as if we are that population. You are doing it, not telling us what you would do. Yes, this is painful. I know. Please do it, anyway.**** Included in your lesson materials should be:
a description informal lesson plan
a USER description
a reflection
Your presentation is worth 100 points of your grade. Your lesson plan, USER description, and reflection are worth 150 points. You will be awarded 50 points for asking questions in class on the 26th. Refer to table 8.1 on page 97 or page 159 of your book for the template for the USER description. The lesson plan is a description of what you are doing in a narrative form. The reflection should address issues and challenges creating the lesson plan and USER description, but also fill in holes that your other materials don’t answer. What intrinsic and extrinsic motivational strategies will you use? How will you address the WIIFm principle? Why did you choose whatever instructional technologies you used? The reflection should also explain your thought process in what population you choose and how you would assess their literacy. It cannot be assumed that you know walking in the door. Something like a participant poll or quick skills assessment piece is essential. This should be detailed in the USER description, but explained further in the reflection.
The above materials must be submitted prior to class on July 26th. You should also use some sort of visual aid for your presentation, though the type is completely up to you. This also must be sent in with your lesson materials. Acceptable file formats are .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, or pptx. You will be graded on:
Your ability to assess the literacy level of the population you are presenting to. Plan to demonstrate how you will do this in the lesson sample you present to class.
Your ability to scale your lesson appropriately.
The match between your lesson materials and the literacy level of the population.
The quality of your presentation.
The applicability of your lesson to your future goal-employer.
Your understanding and use of the USER model.
Your assignment deliverables including your lesson plan, USER description, reflection, and visual aid.
The seeming appropriateness and perceived effectiveness of your lesson to the target population.

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