For each of the two questions below, please write a response, explaining in detail and using information from the text in support of your view. Make sure that you follow all academic guidelines for college writing. This is your first writing assignments. Do not use secondary sources and do not plagiarize. This assignment is worth ten points.
1. Explain the impact Ella has on Malcolm X.
2. Malcolm X makes critical comments about “integration-hungry Negroes.” Explain who is he referring to and why Malcolm X is critical of them? What larger argument is Malcolm X making about the possibility of racial harmony?
How your work will be graded:
Your answer shows understanding of the reading and you make accurate and relevant use of textual evidence.
Your writing is clear, concise, free of unnecessary grammatical errors, and follows all academic writing protocols and rules. Writing mistakes that affect clarity of meaning will lower your grade.
Your answer is comprehensive and your points relate specifically to the text and class discussions.
Absolutely no plagiarism and no secondary sources. You plagiarize and you will lose all points for assignment; repeated instances of plagiarism will lead to a grade of F for the class.

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