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we only have a brief 1-2 page paper on Community Service (past or future). Choose A or B.
A. Provide a written summary of any community service you have experienced
• Define the following terms and explain their similarities and differences? Service learning, Volunteerism and Community service
• A brief overview/history/mission of the community partner
• What project were you assigned and what were your duties
• As you reflect on the service teams with your community partner, provide examples of how you were involved in each of these during the experience
Networking if applicable (meeting and connecting with people that you might not have otherwise)
• In closing, reflect and describe how the experience influenced your world view (e.g. enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility) or maybe it did not and any other reflective thoughts.
B. Provide a written summary of a community outreach that you might like to experience
• Define the following terms and explain their similarities and differences? Service learning, Volunteerism and Community Service
• A brief overview/history/mission of the community partner
• What would you like to do to help? Proposed duties you might have
• Provide examples of how teamwork, networking & communication might be involved
• In closing, describe how the proposed experience might influence your world view (e.g. enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility) or maybe not and why
Type your answers using MS Word with the following formatting: length is 1 1/2 – 2 pages typed, double spaced, 11-point Times New Roman font, MS Word default margins; Your written report in will be graded carefully for the writing competency requirements content, grammar, format, style, clarity, proofreading and editing.

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