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This is part two (2) of a three-part assignment that addresses CACREP standards. Often it is easier to connect course material to work you may do in the field when you have the opportunity to explore the topic through your personal experiences. In this assignment (also including parts 2 and 3) you will need to integrate career development theory, assessment instruments used in class, and the required readings in your understanding of your own career development. You will also apply your knowledge of the factors that influenced your career development.
CACREP Standards
2.F.4.a. theories and models of career development, counseling, and decision making
2.F.4.b. approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well-being, relationships, and other life roles and factors
2.F.4.d. approaches for assessing the conditions of the work environment on clients’ life experiences
Explore the factors, influences, and events that have shaped your career development to this point in time. You must explore your career development through a theoretical approach related to career development (Holland, Super, Savickas, Krumboltz, Schlossberg, etc.). Include the following:
How your career development was impacted by 1) your early childhood experiences, 2) your parent or family values, 3) societal influences in school, the media, and the overall values of your culture, 4) your personality, 5) your socioeconomic, race, class, ethnic, and religious factors, 6) specific events or transitions in your life, and 7) psychosocial, emotional, and psychological barriers/problems.
Using the results of the instruments used in class (g., the two personality type assessments, RIASEC, etc.) describe how the results of these instruments inform how your personality/interests shaped you as a person and led you to the career you chose.
Discuss possible career interventions that might have been helpful as you evolved through your development. For example, what might your school or family have done to support you? Were there any areas of your education that might have better assisted you in developing a career direction? Identify these and discuss them.

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