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You will read the two books that correspond to your controversy to address the questions of the assignment, plus a minimum of two additional popular sources. Controversy: Are there sex differences in the brain that influence gendered behavior?
Cordelia Fine, Testosterone Rex, 2017 Carole Hooven T: The Story of Testosterone, 2021
This is my last and final project in order for me to earn my diploma. I submitted this essay about a month ago and recieved my grade, my professor gave me an F. I did not pass the course, but he gave me an extension to redo the whole paper. I am currently going through a lot of personal issues in my life, so if you can please help me out to the best of your ability, that would mean the world to me. My professor told me to only get information straight from the two books. No where else such as reviews. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hisistate to reach out to me. I want to do well on this paper so I will gladly help if you need it! Please, please ask me! I am so close to accomplishing my Bachelors, but this paper is my key. Thank you so much! My Professor’s Final Comment (Paper mentioned above):
“As indicated in the margins, I unfortunately cannot make sense of your paper. I am not saying that you did not read the books, just that the writing challenges are so severe that I have inadequate grounds to assess. At points (see comments in margin) you appear to basically misrepresent Fine’s and Hooven’s arguments, though it’s not altogether clear. It is concerning, moreover, that you appear to draw overwhelmingly from the two book reviews, rather than engaging the respective books in depth.”
Project has two parts. First, you should demonstrate engagement with the arguments and evidence of each author, applying concepts from the course regarding the often-politicized nature of knowledge construction on controversial matters. Second, you should reflect on your own political, emotional, or moral standpoint as you were reading the books and appraising the claims on each side. In Part I (2000-3000 words), please address the following questions: 1) Why is this issue controversial in society? What are the basic fault lines (sides) in the debate? 2) What is the core argument of each author? 3) What evidence do the authors bring to bear in support of their argument? 4) Do the authors see themselves as fighting on the right side of a moral or political struggle in society? That is, do they use an “us/them” framing of the problem? If so, does the “us/them” framing of the problem correspond to different political, emotional, or ideological orientations in society? 5) Do the authors accuse other authors of ideological bias? That is, do they engage in “ideology critique,” i.e., draw out the allegedly harmful political, economic, or ideological motivations of other authors? 6) Do the authors have any “blind spots” in their discussion? Do they frame the question in ways that leave out evidence that may contradict their view (i.e., via confirmation bias or cherry picking)? 7) Which author’s argument and evidence do you find most convincing? Why? In Part II (500-1000 words), please addressing the following questions:
1) What position did you have (if any) when you began reading the books for your chosen controversy? Did you lean somewhat or strongly in favor of one position or the other? 2) When you were reading the claims and evidence made by each author, did you find yourself taking sides with one author? If so, elaborate why. 3) Did you find that the author you were inclined to support in the beginning turned out to be more convincing to you? Is it possible that your own political, ideological, or moral orientation may have influenced your assessment of the respective authors? 4) Feel free to elaborate in other, creative ways about your experience reading the two books. That is, describe the ways, if any, that the books may have piqued your emotions for good or for ill. Did the books reinforce your preexisting beliefs or contradict them? Did you change your mind on anything? Though you may separate the paper into parts I & II, please don’t break the paper into separate sections by question. Try to integrate your responses to the questions in a seamless way, in a coherent and well-written narrative. Make sure as well to provide an introductory paragraph, letting the reader know where you are going in the paper. I will review in class samples of workable introductory paragraphs. The strongest controversy projects will demonstrate deep engagement with the two books’ arguments and evidence. And note that you may run over the word limits without penalty. Note that the project requires a minimum of two additional sources (one supporting each side of the controversy, respectively). As the two sources are the minimum, you are encouraged to explore additional sources as well and integrate them into your project. If you do so, make sure to list and cite them appropriately in a references section at the end of the paper

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