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the subject is Introductory System Analysis and Design
I have upcoming assignment that includes input reprts and some writing part. i can send you example so you can suggest me when i place order how many words i should choose and how to place order
Actually i need first writtin part on 15th and next is on 18th
i mean i need half paper before 15th and next drawing part before 18th
1. Needs and/or Problem description and proposed solution (system capabilities) of the proposed system (new system). this part need to be done first
2. Design input screen(s) for 3 of the use cases (identified in part 2 above) that is used to record/update information.
a. Indicate which data entry control is used for each input field and which fields are display only fields.
b. List the flow of activities i.e. the key steps followed for the dialog with a written description of what the user and system do at each step.
this is part that i need later
make sure you mentione

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