Reader Response #2
Answer the following questions (3-5 sentences) and then write a corrido of at least four paragraphs or stanzas.
1. Who are you making the subject of your corrido and why? Is there a specific event you will be writing about?
2. Why is it important to your family to tell this story? And how is this story avoiding “erasure” or the erasing of this character and important event?
Write a corrido about your family or family history,
what story would you tell?
Who would be your character/s?
How would you tell it using the corrido structure?
Lorenzo de Mesilla
This story takes place
in the small village of Mesilla, Nuveo Mexico, in 1942
Lorenzo Guzman Acosta was born at home in Four Points, the eighth of 10 children
He is a hero among heroes
For his legacy of kindness
He so loved the sandy desert
taking shelter under the fiery red blanket that covered the Organ Mountains
School was for those who looked like they spoke English well
He quickly grew out of the back classroom desk
It was his adobe colored skin that left him to make his own path
The Marines would soon come calling
With promises of adventure and glory
Leaving Mesilla for training in the big city
To the desert of Twentynine Palms, cruising the streets of San Bernardino, and
Over the ocean to Okinawa
But the small town of Colton is where he would stay
Hard work was his religion
calloused hands was his trophy
dark brown eyes quiet but wise
dark brown skin, sun kissed leather
a testament to his life’s journey
a gentle heart of gold
he gave and gave to help his gente
known by few
and in the end honored by many
A life well lived
Surrounded by family and friends
A legacy of kindness
The small town of Colton is where he would lay
Thank you for listening to a daughter’s tale
A father, a hero, and a legacy of kindness
Lorenzo Guzman Acosta
Your name will live on.
1. The singer/writer addresses the audience
2. The singer/writer introduces the location time and name of the main character of the story
3. The importance of the character is sung/written & followed by the main piece/event/topic of the song devoted to the story for the main character
4. Farewell is followed by the composer or the singer’s farewell

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